| Name | Description |
| BackingBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use to fill the backing of the gauge. |
| BackingCornerRadius | Sets the corner rounding radius to use for the fitted scale backings. |
| BackingInnerExtent | Sets the inner extent of the gauge backing. |
| BackingOuterExtent | Sets the outer extent of the gauge backing. |
| BackingOutline | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use for the outline of the backing. |
| BackingOversweep | Sets the over sweep angle to apply to the backing if it is displaying fitted (in degrees). Must be greater or equal to 0. |
| BackingShape | Sets the type of shape to use for the backing of the gauge. |
| BackingStrokeThickness | Sets the stroke thickness of the backing outline. |
| CenterX | Sets the x position of the center of the gauge with the value ranging from 0 to 1. |
| CenterY | Sets the y position of the center of the gauge with the value ranging from 0 to 1. |
| ClientEvents | ModelWidgetBase.ClientEvents |
| DuplicateLabelOmissionStrategy | Sets the strategy to use for omitting labels if the first and last label have the same value. |
| Font | Sets the font. |
| FontBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use for the label font. |
| Height | ChartModelBase.Height. |
| HtmlAttributes | Set HtmlAttributes to the HTML div element |
| ID | ChartModelBase.ID |
| Interval | Sets the interval to use for the scale. |
| IsNeedleDraggingConstrained | Sets whether the needle is constrained within the minimum and maximum value range during dragging. |
| IsNeedleDraggingEnabled | Sets whether needle dragging is enabled or not. |
| LabelExtent | Sets the position at which to put the labels as a value from 0 to 1, measured form the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| LabelInterval | Sets the interval to use for rendering labels. This defaults to be the same interval as the tickmarks on the scale. |
| MaximumValue | Sets the maximum value of the scale. |
| MinimumValue | Sets the minimum value of the scale. |
| MinorTickBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use for the minor tickmarks. |
| MinorTickCount | Sets the number of minor tickmarks to place between major tickmarks. |
| MinorTickEndExtent | Sets the position at which to stop rendering the minor tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| MinorTickStartExtent | Sets the position at which to start rendering the minor tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| MinorTickStrokeThickness | Sets the stroke thickness to use when rendering minor ticks. |
| NeedleBaseFeatureExtent | Sets the extent of the feature which is closest to the base (e.g. a bulb) with a value from -1 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property, namely: NeedleWithBulb, RectangleWithBulb, TrapezoidWithBulb, and TriangleWithBulb. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleBaseFeatureWidthRatio | Sets the width of the needle at its feature which is closest to the base (e.g. a bulb) with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property, namely: NeedleWithBulb, RectangleWithBulb, TrapezoidWithBulb, and TriangleWithBulb. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use when rendering the fill of the needle. |
| NeedleEndExtent | Sets the extent (from -1 to 1) at which to end rendering the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleEndWidthRatio | Sets the width of the needle at its point using a value from (0 to 1). Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleOutline | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use when rendering the outline of the needle. |
| NeedlePivotBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use for filling the needle cap. Note: this only applies to certain cap shapes. |
| NeedlePivotInnerWidthRatio | Sets the width of the inner cutout section of the needle cap with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Will only take effect if you have a cap set on the needle that has a cutout section. |
| NeedlePivotOutline | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use for the outlines of the needle cap. |
| NeedlePivotShape | Sets the shape to use for the needle cap. |
| NeedlePivotStrokeThickness | Sets the stroke thickness to use for the outline of the needle cap. |
| NeedlePivotWidthRatio | Sets the width of the cap of the needle with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Will only take effect if you have a cap set on the needle. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedlePointFeatureExtent | Sets the extent of the feature which is closest to the point (e.g. the tapering point of a needle) with a value from -1 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedlePointFeatureWidthRatio | Sets the width of the needle at its feature which is closest to the point (e.g. the tapering point of a needle) with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleShape | Sets the shape to use when rendering the needle from a number of options. |
| NeedleStartExtent | Sets the extent (from -1 to 1) at which to start rendering the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleStartWidthRatio | Sets the width of the needle at its point using a value from (0 to 1). Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| NeedleStrokeThickness | Sets the stroke thickness of the needle outline. |
| PixelScalingRatio | Sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control. |
| RadiusMultiplier | Sets the multiplying factor to apply to the normal radius of the gauge. The radius of the gauge is defined by the minimum of the width and height of the control divided by 2.0. This introduces a multiplicative factor to that value. |
| RangeBrushes | Overloaded. Assigns the list of brushes to the ranges of the gauge. |
| RangeOutlines | Overloaded. Assigns the list of outlines to the ranges of the gauge. |
| Ranges | Builds ranges for the gauge. |
| Render | Render the gauge widget with the accumulated model changes in the wrapper. |
| ScaleBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use to fill the background of the scale. |
| ScaleEndAngle | Sets the end angle for the scale in degrees. |
| ScaleEndExtent | Sets the position at which to stop rendering the scale as a value from 0 to 1 measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| ScaleOversweep | Sets the extra degrees of sweep to apply to the scale background. Must be greater or equal to 0. |
| ScaleOversweepShape | Sets the oversweep shape to use for the excess fill area for the scale. |
| ScaleStartAngle | Sets the start angle for the scale in degrees. |
| ScaleStartExtent | Sets the position at which to start rendering the scale, measured from the center of the gauge as a value from 0 to 1. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| ScaleSweepDirection | Sets the direction in which the scale sweeps around the center from the start angle to end angle. |
| TickBrush | Overloaded. Sets the brush to use for the major tickmarks. |
| TickEndExtent | Sets the position at which to stop rendering the major tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| TickStartExtent | Sets the position at which to start rendering the major tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge. |
| TickStrokeThickness | Sets the stroke thickness to use when rendering ticks. |
| TransitionDuration | Sets the number of milliseconds over which changes to the gauge should be animated. |
| TransitionProgress | Gets the transition progress of the animation when the control is animating. |
| Value | Sets the value at which to point the needle of the gauge. |
| Width | ChartModelBase.Width. |